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The Pros and Cons of Public Wi-Fi.

The Pros and Cons of Public Wi-Fi. Public wi-fi is a type of network that the public can access and use to connect to other networks. As a result, most of us expect to get free wi-fi access in a multitude of places enabling us to use the internet not at our expense....

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How to avert a data disaster.

How to avert a data disaster. Inevitably, at some point, your hard drive is likely to fail. But this doesn’t mean you have to lose all your vital data. In fact, you should have strategies in place to ensure that this doesn’t happen. To that end, we have come up with a...

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Will 5G change your life?

Will 5G change your life? Well, after all the hype, 5G technology is on its way. In fact, it could be trialed in some cities and test sites, and launch on our network services, as early as this summer. The thing is, many people aren’t sure exactly what 5G is, and how...

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VoIP – what’s in it for you?

VoIP - what's in it for you?​ Virtually every business relies and depends on its computer systems. Nowadays it’s fairly hard to imagine a business or establishment that doesn’t use computers. An inevitable consequence of this is that as employees rely on them to do...

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Do programmers need professional ethics?

Do programmers need professional ethics? Computing professionals are an integral part of almost every aspect of the modern world. They’re involved in the response when hackers steal personal information. They can protect or expose critical infrastructures, and the...

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Why VoIP needs encryption.

Why VoIP needs encryption.VoIP is becoming of interest to an increasing number of businesses. It’s convenient, it’s relatively cheap, and it offers plenty of solutions. But is it secure enough? A focus on cyber security is essential for businesses these days as the...

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Overlay Networks Explained.

Overlay Networks Explained. The concept of overlay networking has been around for a while but what exactly is an overlay network and how does it work? An overlay network is a virtual network of nodes (a connection point that can receive, create, store or send data...

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Wireless or Wired and Which is Right for Your Home?

Wireless or Wired and Which is Right for Your Home? The demand for network connectivity in the home is greater than it’s ever been. And with the desire for telecommuting, streaming media, online gaming, smart home devices, and cloud computing constantly on the...

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What is an Access Control System?

What is an Access Control System? Once upon a time, we would secure buildings with a lock and key – maybe a bolt and a chain if we were being really careful. Nowadays, owners of both business and domestic premises are looking for far more sophisticated defences...

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